Foundation Support
Our foundation partners ensure we can fulfill our mission and elevate our impact.
Foundation investment in our core operations and programming is critical to our success. Grants give us the opportunity to evaluate our successes and challenges. These collaborations strengthen our ability to provide our clients with the resources they need to escape the effects of poverty. We recognize the following foundations for their support.

The Community Foundation is dedicated to connecting people who care with causes that matter to enrich the quality of life in Frederick County now and for future generations.
Delaplaine Foundation, Inc., is a private family foundation based in Frederick, Maryland, dedicated to the enrichment of communities and families within Maryland, nearby states, and the District of Columbia. They support programs to strengthen the arts and sciences, historical preservation, educational advancement, spiritual enlightenment and well-being.
G. Frank Thomas Foundation
The G. Frank Thomas Foundation stems from the Thomases of Frederick Trading Company. Charlie Trunk, a venerable Fredericktonian, was the President until his passing in 2019. The Foundation has supported many local organizations, with a focus on the health and well-being of Frederick County’s low-income and poor seniors.
Founded in 2006, the Women’s Giving Circle of Frederick County cultivates philanthropy among women in the Frederick, Maryland area. Through the power of collective giving, we pool our members’ monetary contributions to support local nonprofits serving the needs of women.

Bright Funds Foundation
Frederick Area Ministerial Association, a component of the Community Foundation of Frederick County
Frederick Mutual Insurance Company, a component of the Community Foundation of Frederick County
Donald Lewis Impact Fund, a component of the Community Foundation of Frederick County
George L. Shields Foundation
Give Lively Foundation Inc.
Joseph D. Baker Fund
Kemmo and Nguefack Foundation
The Laughlin Family Fund, a component of the Community Foundation of Frederick County
Love of Christ Foundation
Patrick and Sharon Linton Family Fund, a component of the Community Foundation of Frederick County
Rotary Club of Frederick
The Trail-Mathias-Michel Fund, a component of The Community Foundation of Frederick County
United Way of Greater Atlanta
William E. Cross Foundation Inc.